Leisure time activities play an important role in the emotional and social development of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. A variety of recreation programs, sponsored by The Arc-South Bay, provide fun, relaxation, and social opportunities as well as help individuals adjust to group participation. Each leisure activity offers the opportunity to combine fun with a social learning experience.
Listed below are a few of the recreation opportunities offered by The Arc-South Bay on a regular basis. Athletes must have a current Special Olympics medical form on file to participate in any sports activity. Special events are listed below.
Although The Arc-South Bay no longer conducts Saturday A.M. Bowling, bowlers can participate in conjunction with Gardena or Torrance Special Olympics (see below).
Sports Night
Sports practice for Special Olympics and for tournaments takes place during the week with locations and activities based on the seasonal sport. Teens and adults participate in athletic training, sports competition, and games. This program offers sports training throughout the year.
Special Olympics
The Arc-South Bay participates as one of the local practice areas under the umbrella of the South Bay Area Special Olympics. Completion of the California Special Olympics medical/media release form is required for participation in local or state competitions. The year-round sports program includes seasonal activities in bowling, softball, basketball, boccie ball, track and field, volleyball, and tennis.