The Arc-South Bay was founded in 1959 as the Southwest Association for Retarded Children (SWARC). It is a member of the state and national Arc’s, and is a not-for-profit charitable organization recognized by the IRS as tax-exempt. The Arc-South Bay is supported through fees for service, donations from parents, friends, service organizations and the community at large. The association also generates revenue from commercial contracts at Southwest Industries.
For over 60 years, The Arc-South Bay has taken the lead in providing gainful work experience, basic living skills training, leisure services, and growth in independent living skills for individuals with developmental disabilities. The Arc-South Bay is also a member of the Torrance and Gardena Chambers of Commerce.
The Arc-South Bay is a membership organization, governed by a Board of Directors. A paid staff of 49 runs the day-to-day operations of the agency.